The Acadians
The Arrival
The French who first came over to the Grand Pree in 1632, were highly adaptable people who cultivated the land, cleared forests and built dykes. The native Mi'kmaq helped the Acadians by supplying them with game and teaching them to hunt and trap.
The Mi'kmaq remained faithful allies with the Acadians who in turn had a special regard for the Mi'kmaq.
The Expulsion of the Acadians
On September 2nd, 1755 a proclamation was issued to the villages ordering all Acadians to attend churhc at Grand Pre on September 5th; it was signed by Colonel John Winslow, Commander of the English Militia. The Acadians from Minudie hoped to be spared from losing their homes (WHY???) but, Lieutenant Dixon arrived with his men to destroy their crops and homes as well as transport them away.
It is unclear if all the Acadians were in fact deported from Minudie, or if any fled to the forests and built log homes, remaining there until times were better.