Minudie's Churches
The Seaman Universalists Church
Built by Amos Seaman in what we believe to be the late 1840's as a hymn book was found with the date 1864 inscribed inside.
The church was orignally built for all denominations and in 1863 it was completed and dedicated a Universalist Church.
After Amos' passing, to fulfill his wishes the churhc was used by many denominations such as; Baptists, Methodists, Presbyterians and occasionally visiting Universalists.
In 1997, concern for the old building brought about the King Seaman Church Society. With the pledge to preserve and restore its role as a spiritual center in the community.
In 1999, the church became a Municipal Heritage Property.
In 2013, the King Seaman Church Society began hosting a service in August, which has become an annual service, to be continued for many years to come.
St. Denis Church & Cemetery
Said to be named after (for) the patron Saint of France, is the thrid church built to serve as a place of worship for the Catholic residences of Minudie, since the spring of 1672.
The first service was in the spring of 1849, in celebration of the new church.
The bell donated by Amos Seaman, was first rung at the midnight mass on December 25th, 1849.
In 1968 the church closed it's doors for regular mass and services. After it was determined that the church was detoriating the Restoration Committee of St. Denis was formed in 1975.
Much work took place in restoring the building and in 1993 Nova Scotia Heritage Status was obtained.